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F E E F H S FrontPage

THE Pioneer Web Site for all Central and East European Genealogy since May 1995

Federation of East European Family History Societies

P. O. Box 510898, Salt Lake City, Utah 84151-0898

Friday 15 January 1999, 1130 hours Mountain Daylight Time (GMT-0700)
Use our Website Index to find all unique words on this 118.6 Meg website

A new 12 Meg Website Index was just created by the FEEFHS full text search engine. Use it to find a hypertext index to each of the 228,396 unique words in the 3,977 files here. This "destination" website is built to provide you with real answers to specific genealogy questions, whenever possible.

HOW TO FIND SOMETHING HERE?: Clickon the Website Index. Type in your keyword / keywords (a surname, full name, placename, etc.) This website is re-indexed several times a day as new stuff is added.

HOW TO FIND OUT WHAT'S NEW?: Goto the Significant Additions Index.

Where "one stop" Central (Germany and Switzerland) and East European genealogy is available from
177 HomePages of helpful organizations located in 14 countries on 4 continents, 5 Canadian Provinces and 27 U.S. States.


This entire website is © Copyright 1998 by FEEFHS, all rights reserved

FEEFHS FrontPage WebLetter

Vol 5, No 2 ... FEEFHS Webserver up, being updated again from Salt Lake City ... 9 January 1999

[1995 News Archive] [1996 News Archive] [1997 News Archive]
["1996 Significant Additions"] ["1997 Significant Additions"] [Significant Additions 1998]


(12 January 1999)
Since late July 1998 the webmaster has been mostly off the net/WWW while moving the FEEFHS office of the President/Webmaster from California to Salt Lake City, Utah. Recovery from unplanned surgery in November and an auto accident in December caused this offline transition to be extended well beyond the intended time period. Also during the week before Christmas, our SUN webserver went offline due to a power supply failure in the backup hard drive. It was repaired and returned to service Christmas eve morning. The website is now being maintained on a regular basis from Salt Lake City, crossroads of the west.

Please address all postal correspondence to the President or Webmaster to P. O. Box 510898, Salt Lake City Utah 84151-0898. Our eMail address remains the same - feefhs@feefhs.org

If your organization or professional web page needs updating, please advise the webmaster using the words "Web Page Update" in your email subject line to be sure it receives prompt attention. While priority is being given to such updates, the research list postings will be resumed ASAP. Also to be resumed shortly will be the the Significant Additions List. During this last six months there have been some additions - the 1998 Die Vorfahren database was updated and the 1889 San Francisco Call database was added. The additions amounted to about 3 Megs, 150+ pages and 3,000 more website index words. Thanks for your patience.

(12 January 1999)
Recently your webmaster discovered the existence of "Familiennamen" for most pedigress in the microfilm operator reports for Tiel II of Die Ahnenstammkartei. These primary surnames have been added to the list of AL number/microfilm numbers already posted on this web site. These 13 "AL" pages are still marked as drafts and thus not complete. However at least 80% of the 11,300+ "AL" pedegrees are now listed with their primary surname, AL number and microfilm number - the first such index has ever been available for Die Ahnenstammkartei microfilm collection.

To use these contents, just type your surnames into the Website index above one by one. To see the pages, open Teil II Index and goto one of the AL number lists. Die Ahnenstammkartei indexing projects with our volunteers are importnat and will be resumed ASAP.

The following has been posted on the SAXRL (Saxony Germany Research List):
***Special Notice***: FEEFHS is seeking your assistance to index microfilm that may help you in your Saxony ancestral search. Since it has proven impossible to obtain approval to microfilm Saxony church records, over 20,000 reels of Saxony court records have been recently microfilmed in the 313 "Amt's" (judicial districts) of Saxony. Most of these Saxony court records have indexes ... but they need to be computerized to be of any use to anyone. If you know the Saxony village or city location of an ancestor, we can point you to the court films that need to be searched, but only if you will agree to help FEEFHS in return by indexing the Saxony surnames on the microfilm reel you search. We want to eventually post all the Saxony court record indexes on this web site. If you are seriously interested, contact the FEEFHS Webmaster with the name of the Saxony village or location and approximate dates of interest. "A trip of a thousand miles begins with the first step".

(12 January 1999)
Future FEEFHS Conventions:

All FEEFHS member organizations have (or should have) a HomePage here (or a FEEFHS Resource Guide [FRG] listing with a pointer to their HomePage on another server) on this web site. Such HomePages are free for all member organizations and for professional genealogists and translators.
[Ethnic, Religious, National Index] [Location (Address) Index]
[Map Room] [Master IndexPage] [Web Site Index]

Thanks for stopping by. A new FEEFHS FrontPage is posted here each Saturday, with frequent updates during the week. This site, our full text search engine index of it and the Significant Additions Index-1998 are often updated several times a day. Check it for what has been added since your last visit. Please return each week for the latest news of Central and East European genealogy, new articles plus new and updated databases to help your record searching...and check the Significant Additions Index 1996 for most of last years additions.

John Movius, FEEFHS FrontPage Editor and Webmaster

A SPECIAL WELCOME to new browsers checking out the latest issue of the FEEFHS FrontPage Webletter. For additional stuff of interest to first time viewers, please check out this file.

DCN Public Education Committee: This web site is the host of KidsSite! - a DCN Public Education Committee initiative for K-12 children, parents and teachers.

If a page gives a "404", please report the page you were on when you found it. Then use our Search Engine Index to this web site. It is always current. It can always find all of our stuff.

We started 20 May 1995 with help from Virtual Market Enterprises (Ry Yamagata). We recommend VME.

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