Die rechten Nummern (548 bzw. 573) werden für eventuelle Anfragen in Ellis Island benötigt!

"parpart" was found 3 times 

lfd. Site-Nummer Origin Panel
199) Ida Johanna Klara Kreigel Parpart Germany 548
200) Hellmuth Franz Parpart Germany 548
201) *Arthur Arvin Adolf von Parpart Germany 573
= All names listed on Panels 001 and 579-650 are currently being inscribed at Ellis Island. However, due to unforeseen construction delays, the new section of the Wall will not be available for viewing at the Museum until early in 1999. Before planning a trip to Ellis, please contact the Foundation to confirm the Wall's completion, by calling 212-883-1986. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 
To be inscribed = This name will be inscribed on the "New Millennium" edition of The American Immigrant Wall of Honor at Ellis Island in April 2000. 
*Der weitere Lebensweg von Arthur Arvin Adolf von Parpart ist inzwischen bekannt -
er heiratete am 20.4.1886 Florence Agnes Colby, hat 3 Töchter und starb in Palo Alto, California.
Bei "Hellmuth Franz" könnte es sich um den 1982 in Carnation, WA verstorbenen Hellmuth Parpart handeln.


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