Zu den Nachrufen (Obituaries)
(Vermutlich) unfreiwillig verkauft ein Edler "Mildebrat" das
Dorf Parparino
an das Kloster Buckow bei Rügenwalde (heißt heute: Darlowo). Im Jahre 1271 bestätigt Witlav
von Rügen dem Kloster den Besitz und am 8.4.1296 entsagt Wojan, Tribun
zu Schlawe, Sohn des Edlen "Mildebrath" allen Ansprüchen auf das Dorf (siehe auch: the origin...).
In einer Urkunde von Belbuck wird 1337 ein Knappe Nicolaus
de Parpart genannt (Chronik der Kreises Greifenberg in Hinterpommern sowie Forschungsunterlagen Heribert
von Parpart unter Berufung auf das Archiv Stettin)
1536 belagern die Familien von Parpart und von Behr die
feste Stadt Stettin - "die Fede ging für die Familien nicht gut aus" (Heribert von Parpart
unter Berufung auf das "Geschichtsbuch von Brüggemann")
In den "Einwohnerverzeichnisse(n) von Hinterpommern nach
den Steuererhebungen von 1655 und 1666" taucht 1655 der Einwohner Daniell Parpartt in Tressin (Trzeszyn)
im Bereich der Probstei Cammin auf.
1861 bis l863 läßt ein Baron von Parpart-von
Bonstetten bei Thun-Hilterfingen (Schweiz) das Schloß Hünegg erbauen.
An anderer Stelle heißt es dazu: "Der
preußische Junker Albert Emil Otto von Parpart ließ diesen Prunkbau in den Jahren 1861-1863
Baron von Treskow verkauft im August 1860 Schloß und Gut
Teupitz (Mark Brandenburg) an Herrn von Parpart. Zum Schlossbesitz gehörte auch der Teupitzer See.1879
nimmt der(selbe) Rittergutsbesitzer von Parpart an der Einweihung eines Denkmals teil.
(es handelte sich hierbei um Artur Leonce Hilarion von Parpart *12.5.1816 in Althausen, am 28.11.1846
mit Ida Honigmann in Königs-Steele b. Düsseldorf vermählt, † 25.4.1910 auf Teupitz b. Teltow. Er hinterließ eine Tochter Elizabeth
Marguerite Luitgarde, die im Alter von 42 Jahren kinderlos in Rostock starb - der Familien-Zweig ist damit erloschen).
Am 19.03.1912 wird auf der Auktion Rudolph Lepke in Berlin vom
Bayrischen Nationalmuseum München ein Krug erworben. Der Krug stammt aus der Kunstsammlung des Friedrich
von Parpart auf Schloß Hünegg im Kanton Bern (Inventarnummer 12/140).
Nähere Angaben zu Herkunft und Erwerb von seiten des letzten Vorbesitzers sind nicht bekannt. Quelle:
1923 erhält der 10jährige Raymond Parpart in Hamilton
(Nebraska) Unterricht in Deutsch - sein Lehrer mußte deshalb vor Gericht (das Urteil wird später revidiert).
1935 existiert in Nähe der Ortschaft (?) Parpart ein
Rittergut namens Klein-Parpart, der "gnädige Herr von Parpart" - so die Mamsell, "befindet
sich auf Reisen".
Trauregisterauszug (Ort unbekannt)
Am 6.7.1843 heiratet der Postsecretär Parpart Ottilie Susanne Raschke aus Glogau (Quelle:
Am 31.10.1882 verstirbt im Alter von 65 Jahren in Ristow der Deputant Carl Friedrich Parpart (Ehefrau
Carolina Barz).
Seine Eltern - Christian Parpart und Henriette Schulz - waren zu diesem Zeitpunkt "daselbst verstorben".
Fund in den Kirchenbüchern von Gerbin bei Pollnow
Der Bedienstete Wilhelm Parpart und die Caroline geb. Brümmer bekommen am 21.5 1871 in
Natzlaff eine Tochter Emma Bertha Louise. Paten waren Carl Ristow, Charlotte Parpart und Auguste Brümmer
aus Nemitz. Am 21.3.1874 wird ihnen eine weitere Tochter geboren: Ida Bertha Elisabeth. Paten waren
Bertha Knop, Schäferstochter und Gärtnerfrau Märtens aus Natzlaff; Carl Panthen, Arbeitsmann in
Louisenhof. Am 23.3.1874 stirbt dann diese Caroline geb. Brümmer, Ehefrau des Bediensteten Parpart
(wird auch "Parparth" geschrieben).
Die Bedientenfrau Caroline Parpart war selber Taufpatin: am 18.10.1872 bei der Tochter Caroline Wilhelmine
Friederike des Paares Carl Zühlke und Friederike Jaß. weitere Paten waren der Knecht Franz Puttkammer
und die Magd Wilhelmine Schmidt.
Quelle: Margret Ott
Am 5.12.1874 heiratet der 1851 geborene Heinrich Bernhard Parpart (Sohn des Carl Friedrich
Parpart) in Ristow eine Friedericke Caroline Louise Knoop - am 10.8.1878 wird Sohn Carl Friedrich
Ferdinand Parpart in Roetzenhagen geboren (wann und wo die weiteren Kinder Berthold, Maria und
Minna geboren wurden, ist noch undbekannt). Trauzeugen dieses Paares waren Ludwig Gehrt und Ludwig Lettow
- dazu erreichte uns inzwischen folgende Information:
In Stolp gab es im Adressbuch 1891 den Namen Parpart:
Parpart, August, Klempner, Langestraße 131. (Hauseigentümer: Schütze, Geschwister [Vornamen
sind nirgends angegeben])
Parpart, Wilhelm, Arbeiter, Schmiedethormauerstraße 122. ( kein Eigentümer angegeben)
(Quelle: Mail von Nick
Rudnick am 6.11.99)
Auch 1938 gab es in Stolp im Adressbuch den Namen Parpart:
Parpart, Arnold, Kassenwalter der DAF., Strippentowstr. 33
Parpart, Hedwig, Verkäuferin, Fruchtstr. 16
Parpart, Kurt, Kontorist, Fruchtstr. 16
Parpart, Maria, Anlegerin, Fruchtstr. 16
Parpart, Richard, Schneider, Hospitalstr. 12
Parpat, Walter, Packer, Immelmannstr. 3a
dann noch 7x Parpatt (Quelle: Mail von HKun@stolp.de (Helmut Kunefke) am 2.3.99)
Reichstelefonbuch von 1938 - Schlawe
Parpart, Georg, Bäckermeister, Schulstraße 2, Tel:202 (Quelle: Mail von Volker Zimmer am 1.1.2000)
1950 entsteht im Hause Bonstetten (Osterspai) eine Aufnahme einer
Madonna mit Kind von Luca di Simone di Marco della Robbia, die zwischen 1415-1482 geschaffen wurde. Eigentümer
ist Heribert Albert Ludwig Franz von Parpart. Quelle: Bildindex
Aus "Das deutsche Geschlechterbuch" Band 145 (fand: Margret Ott)
(2. = Eltern von 1., 4. = Eltern von 2., .. )
1. Parpath, H u l d a Johanna Caroline, *Pollnow 29.8.
17.9.1854, † Berlin-Kreuzberg 8.2.1939,
Pollnow 9.5.1873 Karl Friedrich Jeske, * Rügenwalde 16.
27.7.1845, † Kolberg 26.3.1928
2. Parpart (Parpath), Christian G o t t l i e b Erdmann, *Pollnow 3.
5.3.1816, †
(Lungenschlag), Ackerbürger und Ratmann, ebd:
15.4.1842 Krumrei, Caroline Friederike Dorothee, *Gutzmin 13.
24.3.1822, †
Schlawe 27.4.
Töchter Parpart 1] H u l d a Johanna Caroline, *Pollnow 29.8.1854 (s.o.) 2] Hermine *…,†…,
4. Parpart, P e t e r Friedrich, *Vellin bei Pollnow 4.
10.1.1779, †Pollnow 22.2.1851, Ackerbürger ebd.;
Pollnow 26.4.1811 Hartkopf, M a r i a Friederika Louisa
*ebd. 24.
† Gutzmin 12.12.1856
8. Parpat, Johann, * Ristow …,
†…, Bewohner des Gram-Kathens
zu Vellin,
12.5.1775 Polck,
Sophie Elisabeth, * ebd.1.
16. Parpath, Peter, *Altristow um 1723, † ebd. 12.2.1801, Bauer und Kirchenvorsteher ebd.
Aus dem Gästebuch:
My mother: Martha Parpart.
My GFather: Franz Parpart from Lewetzow, Hinterpommern.
My GGFather: Daniel Parpart from Lewetzow, Hinterpommern.
Church located in Behlkow, Germany, Hinterpommern. I have church records.
Danke, Charles F. Braun
aus dem Deutschen Adelsblatt
Nachrufe (Obituaries)
Rudolph U.
Parpart starb am 21 September mit 68. "He was
born in Seattle and raised in Renton and May Valley. Parpart graduated from Renton High School. He served
in the U.S. Air Force and worked at Boeing until his retirement in 1991. Parpart was a member of Seattle
University's Leadership, Century, and President's Clubs and a member of St. Paul's Parish.Survivors include his
wife Josephine; son Greg; daughter and son-in-law, Roxanne and Mark Horowitz; and grandchildren,
Eleanor and George".
Mary E. (Bernard) Cote, 88, of North Andover, died Monday at a local nursing
home.Mrs. Cote, a housewife, lived in Zephyrhills, FL, for 20 years before moving to North Andover in 1988. She
was the widow of Felix J. Cote, who died in 1991. Born and educated in Lille, Maine, she graduated from Beals Business
School in Bangor, Maine, and was a member of both the Millinocket Maine and
St. Michael churches.She leaves a son Louis O. of North Andover, daughters Mary C. Chase, also of North Andover
and Blanche Parpart of Andover, three grandchldren, one great-grandchild, and several
nieces and nephews.
PARPART, MARIE, Age 89. June 7, 1998 in Decatur, GA. Beloved wife of the late Felix J.; dearest
mother of Geri (Herb) Jones, Richard (Dolores) and Barbara (Allan) Glatthorn; loving grandmother of 8 grandchildren
and 6 great grandchildren; 8 step grandchildren and 9 step great grandchildren. Past President of St. Cunegunda
Senior Citizens Club and longtime member of Altar Society
Fred H. Schmidt, age 86, of Waconia, Minn. died Friday, Jan. 9, 1998 at
Elim Nursing Home in Watertown, Minn.Fred was born Jan. 18, 1911 in Benton Township, Carver County, Minn., the
son of Herman J. and Katherine (Schneewind) Schmidt. Fred was baptized Feb. 12, 1911, at St. John's Lutheran Church,
Norwood Young America by the Rev. August Baumhoefn and confirmed April 5, 1925, at St. John's Lutheran Church,
Norwood Young America by the Rev. M. F. Abraham. On June 30, 1935, he married Helen A. Gatz at Trinity Lutheran
Church, Waconia by the Rev. William Schneider. Fred was preceded in death by parents Herman and Katherine Schmidt,
sisters, Anna
Parpart and Hulda Leistiko; and brother, Reinhold Schmidt.
He is survived by his wife Helen, sons and daughter-in-law, Ralph Schmidt of Minneapolis, Wayne and Ruth Schmidt
of Waconia, Roy Schmidt of Waconia; grandchildren, Kim and Troy Goede, Kristen and Bruce Dunham, Michelle and Tim
Justice, Tracy Schmidt, Craig Schmidt; great-grandchildren, Amber, Dustin, Matthew, Danielle and Laten; sister
Emma Stender of Norwood Young America; sisters-in-law, Rosella Leistiko of Norwood Young America, Laura Griepentrog
of Excelsior; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.Fred and Helen farmed while Fred also delivered oil
for Standard Oil Co. When they sold their farm, they built a home in Watertown. He worked for Advance Machine until
his retirement in 1977. Fred kept busy by cleaning carpets for many years. They moved to Waconia in 1991
DAKOTA, Minn. - Clayton C. Woodard, 85, of Dakota died Wednesday, Jan. 6,
at his home in Dakota. He was born in Winona County on July 18, 1913 to Austin and Mary Casler Woodard.
Clayton married Bernice
B. Parpart on April 1,1935, she preceded him in death on
Jan. 11, 1982. He had owned and operated a dairy farm at Ridgeway for many years, retiring in 1977 and moving to
Clayton is survived by five sons, Donald (Elaine) of Houston, Minn., Gerald (Joyce), Frederick, James (Bonnie)
and John (Judy) Woodard, all of Dakota, Minn.; one daughter, Judy (James) Fabian, Caledonia, Minn.; 22 grandchildren;
16 great-grandchildren; one brother, Aaron Woodard of Wilson, Minn.; two sisters, Gloria (George) Denzer, and Lola
(Ray) Denzer, both of Minnesota City, Minn.
He was preceded in death by his wife; brothers, Arnold, and Merritt; sisters, Edna, Dora, and Sylvia; one granddaughter;
and one great-grandson.
Am 5.8.1992 verstarb in Lewiston (Minn) die am 2.9.1907 in Elmira Township,
Olmsted County geborene Rose L. Rambaum, geb. Gehrke. Sie war die Tochter von August Gehrke und Mathilda Parpart
(Quelle: Siegfried Rambaum).
August Gehrke und Mathilda Parpart hatten insgesamt 9 Kinder (6 Töchter, 3 Söhne) - bekannt ist nur Arthur
Gehrke, Rochester Minnesota
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday 11 September 1997
Waldo A. Parpart, 80, Arlington, died Sunday, September 7, 1997 at his home.
The funeral was held Wednesday, September 10 at Peace Lutheran Church, Arlington, with burial in the Arlington
Public Cemetery. Rev. Kurt Lehmkuhl officiated.
Casket bearers included George Schmiesing, Theron Thorson, James Marth, William Parpart, Steve Parpart,
and Jerry Marth.
Survivors include his wife, Pauline Parpart, Arlington; son and daughter-in-law, Duane and Muriel
Parpart, brother and sister-in-law, Willard and Barbara Parpart, Lester Prairie; sister, Lillian
Wessbecker, Delano; six grandchildren; and, 16 great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; one son, Donald in 1985; six brothers, Arnold, Vernon,
Herbert, Charles, Elroy and Harold; and one sister, Estella Schneewind.
Mr. Parpart was born March 17, 1917 in Lester Prairie to William and Emelia (Lueck) Parpart.
He attended eight years of school. He married Pauline Hansch on September 22, 1937 at St. John’s Lutheran
Church, Arlington. He farmed for 22 years and was a custodian at Sunny Hollow School until he retired at 65. He
then worked at St. James Lutheran Church and parochial school in Howard Lake.
Fenske Funeral Home, Arlington, handled the arrangements.
Belle Plaine Herald. Wednesday 26 August 1998
Lillian E. (Schneewind) Wessbecker, age 85, of Waconia passed away August 18, 1998 at Delano Health Care Center
in Delano. She was born November 12, 1912, at Bergen Township, McLeod County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Parpart, nee Emilie Lueck. On November 11, 1936 she married Herbert Schneewind at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
in Lester Prairie. He passed away on August 12, 1950. Then on September 25, 1953 she married Grover Wessbecker
at St. Joseph’s Sanctuary in Waconia.
She was preceded in death by husbands, Herbert Schneewind and Grover Wessbecker, grandson Michael Bentz, parents,
William and Emilie Parpart, sister Estella Schneewind, brothers, Arwald, Herbert, Maynard,
Vernon, Harold, Waldo, Charles, ElRoy Parpart.
She is survived by children and spouses, Elaine & Harley Reinitz of Chaska, Mavis Bentz and financee Max Prinzing
of Maple Plain, Duane & Betty Schneewind of Cologne, Grandchildren; James & Cheryl Reinitz, Janeen &
Tom Lano, Janelle Reinitz, Jon & Becky Reinitz, Joel & Nancy Reinitz, Jerome & Dawn Reinitz, Jill &
Phil Osman, Russell & Lori Schneewind, Brenda Schneewind & financee Mark Nystedt, Sandra & Steve Annen,
Mark Benz, Great grandchildren; Kathryn Reinitz, Stephanie & Jennifer Lano, Jeremy, Justin & Jared Reinitz,
Tyler Reinitz, Courtney & Danielle Reinitz, Renee, Nolan & Nathan Schneewind, Ashley Annen. Brothers &
sisters-in-law; Willard & Barb Parpart of Lester Prairie, Pauline Parpart of Arlington,
Ann Parpart of Robbinsdale, Lenora Parpart of New Germany, Brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law; Roy
& Irene Wessbecker of Waconia, Esther Feltmann of Waconia, Ray Willemsen of Waconia, Erna Wessbecker of Chaska.
Funeral services were held at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Bongards, the Rev. Rodney Slessor officiated.
Interment was at St. John’s United Church of Christ Cemetery.
Casketbearers: Grandchildren, James Reinitz, Jon Reinitz, Joel Reinitz, Jerome Reinitz, Mark Bentz, and Russell
Published on February 7, 1999 in the Winona Post, Winona, Minnesota:
SCHROEDER, Cleora H. (Parpart)
Cleora H. (Parpart) Schroeder, 87, died Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at the Watkins Home.
Cleora was born December 28, 1911 in Winona County, MN, the daughter of Reinhold and Huldena (Steinfeldt) Parpart.
She married Herbert J.Schroeder on August 12, 1939.
She and her husband farmed near Nodine, MN for 40 years, moving toWinona after retirement in 1975.
She was a member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nodine,and its Ladies Aid.
Survivors include a son, Alan (Vicki) Schroeder, LaCrescent, MN; a daughter, Judith (Wayne W.) Erdmann, Winona;
four grandchildren:BeckySchroeder, Scott Erdmann, Shelley (Ben) Fowler and Stacy Erdmann; a great-granddaughter,
Marissa Fowler; two step-grandchildren, Jason and Karissa Kibler; one step-great-granddaughter, Ivy Dahlquist;
and a brother, Robert Parpart, Pickwick, MN.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert, on January 25, 1999, and two sisters, Sylvia Erickson and Irene
Funeral services were Friday, February 5 at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nodine, MN, with Rev. Erline
officiating. Burial was in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Nodine.
Memorials may be directed to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Fawcett-Junker Funeral Home assisted the family with arrangements.
Published: February 4, 1999 in the Winona Daily News, Winona, Minnesota
(submitter: Siegfried
Cleora H. (Parpart) Schroeder
Dec. 28, 1911-Feb. 2, 1999
Cleora H. (Parpart) Schroeder, 87, died Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1999, at Watkins Home, Winona.
Cleora was born on Dec. 28, 1911, in Winona County, the daughter of Reinhold and Huldena (Steinfeldt) Parpart.
She married Herbert J. Schroeder on Aug. 12, 1939. She and her husband farmed near Nodine, Minn., for 40 years,
moving to Winona after retirement in 1975. She was a member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nodine,
and its ladies aid.
She is survived by one son, Alan (Vicki) Schroeder of La Crescent, Minn.; one daughter, Judith (Wayne W.) Erdmann
of Winona; four grandchildren, Becky Schroeder, Scott Erdmann, Shelley (Ben) Fowler and Stacy Erdmann; one great-grand-daughter,
Marissa Fowler; two stepgrandchildren, Jason and Karisa Kibler; one stepgreat-granddaughter, Ivy Dahlquist; and
one brother, Robert
Parpart of Pickwick, Minn.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert, on Jan 25, 1999, and two sisters, Sylvia Erickson and Irene
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Feb. 5, at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nodine. Officiating
will be the Rev.
Erling Carmichael. Interment will be in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Nodine.
Friends may call at Fawcett-Junker Funeral Home, Winona, today from 6 to 8 p.m. and after 10 a.m. at the church
on Friday.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be given to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Fawcett-Junker Funeral Home, Winona, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements.
Published: Jan. 28, 1999 in the Winona Daily News, Winona, Minnesota (submitter:
Siegfried Rammbaum)
Herbert Schroeder
Nov. 30, 1908-Jan. 25, 1999
Herbert Schroeder, 90, of Winona died Monday, Jan. 25, 1999, at Watkins Home in Winona.
Herbert was born in Winona County on Nov. 30, 1908, to John and Ida (Mades) Schroeder. He married Cleora H.
Parpart on
Aug. 12, 1939. He farmed near Nodine, Minn., for 40 years, retiring in 1975 when he and his wife moved to Winona.
He was a lifelong member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nodine.
Herbert is survived by his wife, Cleora of Watkins Home; son, Alan (Vicki) Schroeder of La Crescent; daughter,
Judith (Wayne W.) Erdmann of Winona; grandchildren, Becky Schroeder, Scott Erdmann, Shelley (Ben) Fowler and Stacy
Erdmann; great-granddaughter, Marissa Fowler; stepgrandchildren, Jason and Karisa Kibler; step-great-granddaughter,
Ivy Dahlquist; brothers, John (Virginia) Schroeder and Raymond (Yvonne) Schroeder, all of Winona, and Roy (Arlene)
Schroeder of Dakota, Minn.; and a sister, Alice (Vaughn) Trynowski of Dakota, Minn.
He was preceded in death by his two brothers, Ervin and Rueben; and sister, Pearl.
Funeral services will be Saturday, Jan. 30, at 11 a.m. at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nodine, with
the Rev. Erling Carmichael officiating.. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
Friends may call on Friday, Jan. 29, at Fawcett-Junker Funeral Home in Winona from 6 to 8 p.m. and then on Saturday,
Jan. 30, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the church.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be given to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Fawcett-Junker Funeral Home is assisting with arrangements.
Published: Feb. 15, 1998 in the Winona Daily News, Winona, Minnesota (submitter:
Siegfried Rammbaum)
Dorothy Nowlan
HASTINGS, Minn. -- Dorothy Nowlan, 80, of Hastings died Saturday, Feb. 14, 1998, at Augustana Nursing Home.
Dorothy was born Feb. 15, 1917, in Winona to Fredrick and Frances (Zimmerman) Parpart. She married Peter
G. Nowlan on
March 18, 1936; he died May 5, 1983.
She worked at Winona Knitting Mills until her retirement and was a member of St. Mary's Church, Winona.
Dorothy is survived by three sons, Kenneth (Mary) and Russell (Barbara) of Hastings, and Peter (Shirley) of Salem,
Ala.; one
daughter, Ruth (Edward) Przybylski of West Allis, Wis.; 10 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; three brothers,
John (Eliva)
Parpart of Pickwick, Walter (Elaine) Parpart of Cedar Valley and Fred (Betty) Parpart of Pickwick;
and one sister, Lillian (Neil) Hinkley of La Moille.
She was preceded in death by her husband; one grandchild, Michael; two brothers, Rudy and Richard; and one sister,
A funeral service will be held Monday, Feb. 16, 1998, at 11 a.m. at Watkowski-Pronschinske Funeral Home, with the
Rev. Joseph L. Keefe officiating. Burial in St. Mary's Cemetery.
Friends may call Monday from 9 a.m. until time of service at the funeral home.
Published: Sept. 1, 1998 in the Winona Daily News, Winona, Minn (submitter:
Siegfried Rammbaum).
Myrtle A. Herold
Nov. 10, 1895-Aug. 30, 1998
Myrtle A. Herold, 102, of Winona, formerly of Cochrane, Wis., died Sunday, Aug. 30, 1998, at the Watkins Home in
She was born Nov. 10, 1895, in the town of Waumandee, Wis., to Albert and Ellen (Haigh) Mosiman. She had attended
the Anchorage School.
On Dec. 25, 1922, she married Elmer H. Herold in Buffalo County, Wis.; he died in 1975.
Myrtle, in her lifetime of more than a century, has probably seen more changes than any time in history. The changes
were many, from horse and buggy to modern day travel, from horse power only on farms to today's equipment. The
list goes on and on; no radio, television, refrigerators or even electricity in the country, plus many other changes.
All this in a lifetime is a miracle in itself.
Myrtle was very proud of the fact she voted at the very first election women were allowed to vote.
Survivors include four sons, Clement Herold of Cochrane, Forrest (Doris) Herold of Donna, Texas, Lewayne Herold
of Houston, Minn., and Craig (Jeanette) Herold of Fort Wayne, Ind.; three grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren;
and three great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, two grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, at the J.S. Wozney Funeral Chapel in Cochrane. The Rev. Lisa Bodenheim
will officiate. Burial will be in the Buffalo City Cemetery.
Friends may call from 1-2 p.m. Wednesday at the Funeral Chapel in Cochrane.
Pallbearers will be Dale Mosiman, Allen Farner, Tom Muench, James Banicki, Karl Parpart and Alton Herold.
Honorary pallbearer will be Rick Herold.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Scenic Valley Ambulance of Cochrane.